Sunday, June 7, 2015

My Girl, Gidget

Five and a half years ago, Gidget's foster mom, Crystal drove three hours in a snow storm from Leavenworth, KS to West Des Moines, IA to deliver Gidget to us.

We had been searching and searching for a vizsla to add to our home; and knew we wanted to rescue a dog, so we'd gone to several rescues, and hadn't found one that would fit our home and lifestyle. Then, one day, a cute little redhead popped up on PetFinder, labeled as a vizsla mix. She was located in Kansas, and since we were headed down to Olathe to spend Christmas with my aunt and uncle, we asked if we could set up a time to meet Gidget. We arrived at a doggy day care, and Gidget was let into the play room with us. She had a green alien toy that she loved to toss around and bring to us. She was super playful and although she was cute, I wasn't certain she was "the one."

Gary, who's had more experience with dogs than I, said, "She's crate trained, potty trained, and she's got manners. This is a good dog. Plus, she likes me." It was true, over the 30 minutes that we were there to visit, she absolutely wanted all of Gary's attention.

Since I'd only had two or three dogs over the course of growing up, and each of them having lived outdoors with my grandparents, I really didn't know all of the responsibilities associated with dog ownership. I just knew that I wanted a dog badly.

Since we'd gone through another rescue's home inspection process, which was very thorough, almost probably what I would think people would go through for a child adoption process, Crystal told us that we could be Gidget's parents and get her in a couple of weeks.

Of course, we did what any expecting parents would do, we went to Petco, Petsmart, and every place that had doggie toys and treats, and loaded up on goods for our doggie to be.

She arrived and was a non-stop ball of energy. And, because I work from home, she quickly became my shadow. She was constantly by my side, for work, for going to the bathroom, every. single. activity became an activity for two. 2010 was a blizzardy winter, and I experienced being outside in subzero temps....something I never would've done prior to having to take a dog out.

My patience and desire to have a dog were completely tested over that next year as Gidget started chewing on all of my things (not Gary's only mine)....books, underwear, and the straw that nearly broke the camel's back was her chewing off the heel of my brand new running shoes. We contemplated giving Gidget back to Crystal.....but, we felt bad because she'd already had four other homes prior to us, and Crystal had saved her from her last chance at the pound.

To reflect back on that makes me want to cry. I can't imagine my life without Gidget. Yesterday we celebrated her 7th birthday. (Yep, she shares her birthday with her Aunt Amy, because we wanted to pick a date that we'd remember.) She truly is this girl's best friend. So, in the spirit of birthday appreciation lists, here are a few of the things I love and appreciate about my Gidget girl.

  • The way her ears perk up (that's the reason Crystal named her Gidget...b/c her ears resembled Sally Field's/The Flying Nun's habit; and Sally Field played Gidget in the tv series.)
  • She is the best running partner EVER! She always gives 100%, doesn't care where we're running as long as she's going somewhere. And, how on race days she wants to win. This video captures her amazing spirit and smile. :) I ADORE it! 

  • Her fluffy/wispy tail.
  • That she's super protective of me. 
  • Her intelligence - she's very smart in mischievous being able to pick the last book I've read off of the bookshelf, and an uncanny ability to somehow know when I'm going to leave and she starts heading down stairs to avoid being put in her crate
  • That she knows how to sit, lay, shake and give high 5's. 
  • That her feet smell like fritos. 
  • The way she makes an "aroooooo" sound when she yawns.
  • Her little chimp-like face. 
  • The little nub on the top of her head affectionately known as her "peanut"
  • I love how she's so aloof, and loves unconditionally. 
  • Her curiosity in everything. 
  • That she's my yoga and workout buddy.
  • That her favorite words/phrases are: cookie, treat, do you wanna go?, run, walk
  • That she's so in awe of toddlers and little kids
  • That she never gives up hope that some day Principessa will play with her
  • The way she does little circles before finally laying down on her bed
  • That whenever I put on my running shoes and/or ball cap that she gets super excited and starts whimpering because she wants to go along.
  • The way she prances proudly when we're running
  • She has THE BEST doggie smile - wide and happy
  • I love that her eyes look like she's used black eyeliner
  • Her playful attitude
  • The way she lays on her forearms and sticks her butt up in the air and wiggles it before she goes bounding off
  • Her boundless energy and heart
Happy 7th birthday, sweet puppy, I love you with all of my heart and soul. 

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