Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Time Travel:

Last night, we finished watching the 11.22.63 miniseries on Hulu. It's based on the novel by Stephen King, which I have had  on my list forever; but haven't read yet.

Over the winter months, I was introduced to Freaks and Geeks, which I'd never watched, and so began my crush on James Franco.

Anyhow, the premise of 11.22.63 is that Jake, (James Franco's character) travels back in time in 1960/61 to thwart the JFK assassination. As he's doing recon work, he meets Sadie, a cute blonde southern belle, who is a librarian and loves to read. They have an instant connection; but she's married.

They're fated to cross paths again as they both end up working at the same high school in Jodie, TX. Their love story is sweet and goes through some twists and turns; but I was always rooting for them.

Jake realizes his love for her is life changing. However, the past doesn't like when you mess with it. So, (spoiler alert)...............

He and Sadie do not end up together. Another time traveler tells Jake that no matter what he does/doesn't do, the outcome will always be the same. So, Jake decides that he's not going to torture himself and find out if that holds true. He returns to present time and Googles Sadie and meets her (at her current age - late 70's); and he dances with her. She seems to recall him; but can't put her finger on it. And, the smile on Jake's face - filled with mixed emotions - happiness at seeing her again, heaviness at knowing he wasn't a part of her life and didn't get to live out what he wanted. And, for Sadie, when he asked her if she'd had a happy life, her response wasn't an enthusiastic yes. It felt like she had settled. I couldn't hold back tears. I wanted them to be together.

Yes, he got to see her again, and find out that she had lived. But, I am sad that for their love story, that they were so close, yet so far.

I believe in Einstein's Theory of Relativity and that there are multiple universes and that time moves fluidly. I believe that we have soul connections that we cannot explain. And, it was interesting to see a representation of it woven so handily.

In a case of musical tourettes, the song that pops into my mind as I think about this, is one of my favorites: The Beatles' "Across the Universe".  I heard it a couple of weeks ago, and couldn't get it out of my head.

Words are flowing out like endless rain into a paper cup
They slither wildly as they slip away across the universe
Pools of sorrow, waves of joy are drifting through my open mind
Possessing and caressing me
Jai Guru Deva OM

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