Sunday, February 8, 2015

Don't Let The Sound of Your Own Wheels Drive You Crazy

Friday night, I bought a book titled, The Untethered Soul. I'd been wandering around Barnes & Noble; and it just popped out to me. I've always been a fan of self-empowerment books that are inspiring (not preachy), that have activities to do (yeah, I was always the kid who bought workbooks for vacations and breaks to keep me occupied); and I'm a fan of books with great pictures. The Untethered Soul called to me not only because it features a horse running along the sands of a beach; but also, because, as I explore more into yoga and meditation, it felt like it would be a perfect complement.

I also bought, A Field Guide to Lucid Dreaming. I'm a person who for the longest time had the response that I don't dream. Or, rarely do. And, I'm learning that that's not true. It's that I don't remember my dreams. Each of us dreams about 2 hours/night. So, in my journey of getting into touch with my Inner Being, I feel that opening up to and setting the intention to be aware of my dreams is important.

In the beginning chapters of The Untethered Soul, one of the exercises asked of you, is to imagine that the voice(s) that you hear inside your head is your roommate. You know, the voice that tells you yes, no, the one that critiques you, that never turns off? Yeah, that one.... Give it a body, like imagine it being in the same room with you for a day. That was interesting. As a coach, I often ask my clients to start to see themselves as their own best friend. E.g., Would you talk your best friend the same way you talk to yourself?

But this experiment takes it to a whole other level! I tried it yesterday, imagining that the voice in my head was my physical roommate. And, holy cow! The girl doesn't shut up! She talks non-stop. Is contrarian, can't make up her mind, is demanding, and seriously constant. It was exhausting! If she were my roommate, there's no way I would be able to put up with her for more than a day. I found her to be the voice of a person that I butt heads with. Someone that I want to constantly argue with; and at the same time, someone I want to share all my hopes and dreams with. Someone that I enjoy having on my team. Because if she believes in me, then what do I have to worry about?!  But, just as soon as she's on my team, then she's worried about something not working out. She's a mix of my mom, my 5 year old self, the girls who bullied me in school, my best friends, my teachers. She's an enigma, a paradox, my frenemy. 

It's funny to say that it was profound, because I've been aware of my self talk. Yet, putting her into a person was absolutely profound. And, I'm sure that as I become more aware of this voice; and ascribe a persona to her, the more I'll be able to quiet the chatter and not be driven by distraction and second guessing myself. I'll own my voice and my power on a whole new level! And, that my friends, excites me! 

And, as a lover of things that come full circle, last night, while watching The History of the Eagles, the documentary of the Eagles band, they of course featured "Take it Easy" and, it seems appropriate to close with this pearl of wisdom:

Take it easy, take it easy. Don't let the sound of your own wheels drive you crazy. Lighten up while you still can, Don't even try to understand. Just find a place to make your stand, and take it easy.

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