I digress. So, I've been reading "A Field Guide to Lucid Dreaming," And, did you know, that the Iroquois Indians believed that those who couldn't remember their dreams, or those that said they didn't have dreams (here I am nodding my head) - that those people weren't in touch with their spirit. Let me repeat that...people who weren't in touch with their dreams weren't in touch with their spirit. That BLEW me away with a profound recognition (nodding my head even more emphatically!)
You see, I lost a person who is very special to me. I've alluded to the grief process in previous posts (it's hell *understatement of the century). And, in this process, I've recognized that not only did I lose that person; but, I also lost myself along the way.

And, I guess that's kind of the purpose of this blog...to open up and share my journey of being me. My intention is to get my thoughts out of my head and into the light. And, though I'm sharing surface level, maybe a little deeper than surface level (for the time being, and who knows, maybe always), I realize that while it's not a full on open access directly into my heart and soul, nor all of my thoughts to their depths...that just the process of getting the thoughts and experiences out is an act of openness (at least to some degree or another); and part of the process of me becoming and being my authentic self, more in touch with myself from a holistic perspective, and a better communicator.
Anyway, dreams are an important piece of that journey. The Field Guide also mentioned another native tribe that would have their members share their dreams each morning when they woke up. Isn't that cool/incredibly awesome/frightening?! Rather than share news, or gossip, they got together and shared what they had dreamed the night before.
As I've gone about the business of setting my intention for the last few days to be more aware of my dreams; last night, as I drifted off to sleep, I had a revelation. A hazy, murky, yet some how very clear revelation just pop like magic into my head...details that gave me hope. Of course, my ego started to make me second guess myself....but, rather than get up out of bed to fact check, I just went back to sleep and promised myself I'd look into it this morning. Even though one part of my mind wanted to tell me I was wrong, and suggested I get up and fact check that moment, there was another, steadier part, that told me I was right, and that things would be fine until morning. And, this is where I'm at in my journey of being me....I always have read that our inner voice is the quiet, sure voice. Whereas our egos are the louder voices....but, then I always ask myself "Do I know which is which?" Or, "How can I always know which is which?" I mean my voice has told me before that things would be OK in the morning, and in at least one instance BAM! Nope, morning not so smooth...I would've been better off to fact check at night. But, last night, a greater sense of peace and comfort backed that up. And, I'm learning to trust that....or, at least be willing to listen.
And, lo and behold! This morning, as I fact checked, it turned out that what I thought when I went to sleep WAS right! I hadn't misread the details at all!
I have been on cloud 9 since then! Why is it that we (I) always want to second guess our(my)selves? How cool is it that my Inner Being speaks to me - the truth - as I'm nodding off to sleep?!?!
I'm going to keep practicing this and tuning into what my thoughts and dreams are telling me. It's exciting to think about this part of myself and how I can become more open to it! What dreams may come? What dreams may come!
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