I am a collaborator. I like to get other people's opinions on things. I like to listen to different perspectives....and, at times (sometimes frequently) I tune out of what my own gut and intuition are saying. Or, I go back and forth and back and forth...seeing all sides of something; and questioning my instinct. Why? I guess it's primarily because I fear being wrong, or making a mistake, or not making the right decision. Or, what if something else pops up that I haven't thought about yet?
I'm finding it's a process to (re)train myself to listen to my intuition. So, I've been practicing by taking little steps everyday. I try and meditate twice a day. For about 15-20 minutes right before I get up out of bed; and then 15-20 minutes as I'm going to sleep. I do this to help clear my mind. And, you know what? After practicing for awhile (and with the help of guided meditations) it's becoming much easier to settle into a state of relaxation. Whereas before, I was a person, who once I shut my eyes my whole to-do list, and all of the world's great questions flooded my mind. There was a cacophony of thoughts that were ALL over the place. Somedays, when I'm unsettled, it's hard to get into a spot of meditation and clearing my mind. But, overall, it's gotten easier. So, for those of you who say you can't meditate....give it a little practice. Or, do your meditation while you're out walking. There's SO much to be said for feeling your footsteps on the ground and letting your energy have an outlet as you stride along that can help clear your mind.
Yesterday, I kept getting inclinations to look out my windows. It was a really steady pull every time I walked by a general area to look out the window. I listened, and each time I peered out, I saw beautiful white jet vapor trails streaking across the crisp blue sky. I LOVE seeing jet vapor trails! They're my wink from the Universe. I saw the beauty of the sun shining. So, I thanked the Universe for pulling me to the window to peer out. Grateful for what I'd seen. Yet, I couldn't help but feel this inkling like there was something more.
Since it's been bitter cold out (sub zero temps) since returning from winter break, Gidget and I haven't taken extended walks outside. So, I haven't seen my hawk in about 3 weeks. My inclination was that maybe my intuition was calling me to the window to see her. But, I didn't. And, today!!! As I've been sitting at my desk, I've gotten the intuition to look to my left, out through the window, and who do I see?! That's right! Lady hawk gliding along through the sky, just beautifully gliding and effortlessly, almost lackadaisically flapping her wings! I smiled HUGELY and thanked the Universe! Oh my goodness did it feel good to see her again!!! And, not 30 minutes later, in another nudge from the Universe, I looked out my window to see her flying back in the other direction!!!! I feel blessed!
In particularly, hawk symbolism means turning into your higher spirit. So, I'm taking her presence as confirmation that I am tuning into my inner guidance! And, I'm learning to trust that. I had an inkling that she was the reason I was being prompted to look outside, and whatta you know?! There she is! Proof!

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