I have a gratitude journal that I write in daily. This practice started when I read "
The Secret" and was turned onto the expansive power of gratitude. Then, in deepening my practice with the Law of Attraction, I started doing what Abraham-Hicks suggest in having a
Book of Positive Aspects, where you list out all of the positive aspects and all of the things that you appreciate, love, and what makes you feel good.
In honor of my Dad's 63rd birthday today, I dedicated my journaling time towards thinking about and writing all of the things that I love and appreciate about him.
- I appreciate that he's celebrating another trip around the sun!
- I appreciate his sense of humor - whether he's pulling pranks or being "Michael Dail, the Teasing Tail," as my Grammie (his mom) calls him; or trying to get me (who I think he sees as his melancholy daughter) to smile or laugh.
- I appreciate that he is a peacemaker. Growing up in a house with three ladies, he often stepped in to smooth the waters.
- I appreciate his handyman capabilities. He can pretty much fix anything.
- I appreciate that he likes to laugh.
- I appreciate how he's good at working on cars - from owning his own muffler shop, to restoring cars (he has a really sweet '69 Sting Ray). He's good at what he does.
- I appreciate his love of nature and being outdoors.
- I appreciate how he's social and friendly.
- I appreciate his sense of fairness.
- I appreciate how he cracks up during funny movies...and when he starts laughing uncontrollably, he cusses.
- I appreciate how he cracks us up! Like during Christmas, when he played Cranium for the first time and not knowing that he was using the category cards as his clues, he successfully acted out "Star Performer" and then in the next round attempted to draw "Creative Cat".
- I appreciate that he taught my sister, Amy, and I how to change a flat and the oil in our cars.
- I appreciate how he treats everything and everyone with respect.
- I appreciate how he believes in leaving something better than you found it.
- I appreciate that he's an entrepreneur.
- I appreciate how laid-back and relaxed his personality is.
- I appreciate his appreciation for music and how he cranks up his favorite songs super loud.
- I appreciate how he's now learning how to use his Nano so that he can enjoy his music more often.
- I appreciate that he likes to dance.
- I appreciate that he taught me how to do a layup and use my elbows to box out; and how to drive a stick shift.
- I appreciate how he's a great dad, husband, son, brother, and uncle.
- I appreciate how much he loves animals.
- I appreciate his creativity. I can remember him doing drafting homework with me.
- I appreciate his love of gag gifts.
- I appreciate how he gives others the benefit of the doubt and is slow to judge.
- I appreciate his unique style of handwriting.
- I appreciate how he's super good at taking pictures with the self timer.
- I appreciate how his voice frequently pops into my head saying: "Lighten up, kid. Don't take yourself, or life too seriously."
I love you, Dad. Happy happy birthday!
Dad surprised me at my wedding by going all out with his tux and top hat! 2006
Wogging with his Granddog Gidget 2013 |
Dad and Mom 2013 |
Dad and his girl, Skooter 2013 |
Dad circa 1975 |
Dad hiking Williams Lake 2014 |
Dad, Amy and I riding Tio Vivo cir. 1984 |
Dad, Amy, and I cir. 1994 |
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