Thursday, October 8, 2015

Hawk Abundance

A couple of weeks ago, I was really upset about the demise of Lady Hawk's perch tree.

Then, a week later, I happened to glance out of my office window to see her soaring above my neighbor's deck and into their little tree! Oh my goodness!!! She's such a majectic figure; and it was awesome seeing her land in this young tree. The branches are small. It's definitely not a perching tree of her standard; but she stayed in there for a good half hour. And, then she dove right into the creek area! I was ecstatic to see her again and SO close! Especially, after I thought that she might not return without having a tree to perch in.

Then, yesterday, as I was walking along the trail, my gaze was called upward, as I saw a grey figure soaring above us. Gidget and I stopped in the middle of the trail to watch this magnificent bird glide gracefully above us, and slowly drop altitude until I could see it more clearly. It was a hawk!

The hawk glided into one of the only tall trees remaining; and as soon as it flew into the tree, Lady Hawk flew out from behind the leaves!

I couldn't contain my excitement, and tears of joy ran down my cheeks as I watched Lady Hawk glide from the tree she'd been scooted out from to a tree in the thicket along the creek.

I've only ever seen more than one hawk together at a time; and today, right along the same path that I'd lamented not seeing Lady Hawk perch again, there were two!!!

As I was reveling in my bliss, I continued walking along the path, looking through the thicket of trees, wondering if I would be able to see Lady Hawk through all of the leaves. And, lo and behold, she flew out again, circled overhead to where I could see her, looped back and then took off out of sight!

And, this morning, I had a breakfast meeting downtown. As I was walking along the sidewalk, like right in the middle of the city, I was retracing my steps to find my parking garage, and I jusssst happened to glance down and see this lovely feather!!! I squealed with delight, like a little kid finding a treasure, picked it up, thank the Universe, and have had a smile on my face since then! Seriously, a nighthawk feather downtown on Locust and 7th streets?! That's incredible!!!

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