Thursday, October 22, 2015


I recently returned from the ABWA National Women's Leadership Conference in Albuquerque, and I am FIRED up!

I LOVE, <3, lurrrrve conferences! I could literally go to one each week; and it would be a dream come true to be a motivational/keynote speaker for big gigs!

During this year's conference, I was honored with being selected as a Top Ten Business Woman. And, had to give a speech during the Saturday luncheon. Each of us had 3 minutes to share how ABWA has helped us emulate this year's theme of "Grow You, Grow Together" and what advice we have for other ABWA members/prospects.

I'd started working on my speech about 2 weeks prior to conference; not really knowing what I would say, exactly, just knowing that it would be from my heart. And, as I started to put my experience into words, it became a challenge to winnow it down to 3 minutes. I took to heart, Stephen King's advice of "cutting out my little darlings" and per our mentor's advice, aimed for 2:50.

On Wednesday of last week, all of the Top Tens gathered for a meeting to practice our speeches in front of one another and give and receive feedback. It was the first time each of us hear the others' speeches, and everyone's was fantastic! All different, all wonderful, all meaningful.

We each had two practice runs, and I nailed my first; but then on my second, I wobbled a bit. I was OK with that knowing that I had time to continue to practice prior to Saturday. (I had been practicing over the past two weeks, including videoing myself, and repeating it at least 2x per shower. Showers tend to be the places where I rehearse presentations. I don't know why).

I had my speech pretty much memorized, aside from one little transition piece that I found myself tripping on.

Saturday morning arrived, and we had the most sparkling keynoter in Karen Hoyos, who had me completely emotional. Something I was trying to avoid b/c the beginning of my speech made me tear up and I didn't want to cry on stage. So, having the water works primed in the morning made me a little bit nervous. But one of the things Karen had us do that was so remarkable, was to hold hands with one of the other conference attendees that we didn't know; and gaze deeply into their eyes, without any verbal contact. Just acknowledging the soul in the other person. I hadn't done that in a few years, and phew! It was extremely powerful, and had everyone's tears flowing because of its profound depth. She then said something that I've heard a million times, and believe in....but, just something about the way that she said it then and there stamped my heart and soul. And, that was about shining. Believing in ourselves and knowing that there is nobody else like us. That our story is what we come here on earth to tell. And, she asked us to ask ourselves if we'd been playing small.

My heartfelt answer. Yes. I've been playing small. Afraid of shining because of fear of being judged. Of being left out. Of failing. Of succeeding. But, in that moment, she lit a fire in my heart that is going strong. I CHOOSE TO PLAY BIG! I CHOOSE TO HONOR ME!

As I sat on the stage for lunch, I looked out at the crowd and reminded myself that they were all there in the spirit of love and support. That they wanted to hear our stories. And, that my story was/is important. I was SO excited that my parents, Grammie, and women who have helped me grow were there in the audience of close to 300.

I started out a little bit nervous; but as I went along, something just took over inside of me and I spoke and had fun. Small and timid wasn't going to cut it, I wanted to THRIVE!

And, I'm on a roll this week, moving forward with the momentum from conference, taking to heart everything that I learned and that ignited a fire in me to move with passion and energy and positivity -- on an even more exciting path of being ME!

Tuesday, October 20, 2015


Last week, I had the opportunity to go home to Taos, NM for 3 days. It was amazing! I've not been home in the fall since going to college. I always used to say it was my favorite season, and during this trip, I was reminded why. The aspens were in full splendor of gold, yellow, and red dapples among the evergreen, and some other trees that hadn't yet turned, set atop a cerulean blue sky. Oh my god. It was breathtaking!

I awoke on Sunday morning, and ran on the dirt road that I grew up on; down the mountain and along the cemetery towards the recently deceased country singer, Lynn Anderson's house; and back along toward the Hot Shots fire crew station. Hearing each foot fall combined with the crunching gravel, feeling my lungs burning with the 35 degree air, and smelling the scent of the horse barn along the road made me feel at one with the Universe.

I didn't listen to music, only my feet and breath. A magpie followed me, flying overhead. And, I couldn't recall the last time I'd seen a magpie, but was enchanted by its presence. I noticed that the crows there flew in pairs, and even though I hadn't been training for running, I sped along, propelling my body, and was right on pace with the time I ran there this past July.

I ran up the hill beyond the Hot Shots station, pausing for a few breaths at the end of the road before heading back home again. It seemed as though the town was waking up and I was witnessing everything come alive. I ran back toward the highway, and then doubled back along the cemetery, up to Paseo Bufalo, my lungs, head, and heart pounding, and acknowledged my body for carrying me forward. As I walked back up the rest of the hill towards my parents' house, focusing on the Taos mountains in the background, I felt a deep sense of spirituality and aliveness. A sense of being and empowerment. A sense of pride and most importantly, of home. Acknowledging that I will always be a Taosena, and that a large part of my heart belongs in Canon.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Hawk Abundance

A couple of weeks ago, I was really upset about the demise of Lady Hawk's perch tree.

Then, a week later, I happened to glance out of my office window to see her soaring above my neighbor's deck and into their little tree! Oh my goodness!!! She's such a majectic figure; and it was awesome seeing her land in this young tree. The branches are small. It's definitely not a perching tree of her standard; but she stayed in there for a good half hour. And, then she dove right into the creek area! I was ecstatic to see her again and SO close! Especially, after I thought that she might not return without having a tree to perch in.

Then, yesterday, as I was walking along the trail, my gaze was called upward, as I saw a grey figure soaring above us. Gidget and I stopped in the middle of the trail to watch this magnificent bird glide gracefully above us, and slowly drop altitude until I could see it more clearly. It was a hawk!

The hawk glided into one of the only tall trees remaining; and as soon as it flew into the tree, Lady Hawk flew out from behind the leaves!

I couldn't contain my excitement, and tears of joy ran down my cheeks as I watched Lady Hawk glide from the tree she'd been scooted out from to a tree in the thicket along the creek.

I've only ever seen more than one hawk together at a time; and today, right along the same path that I'd lamented not seeing Lady Hawk perch again, there were two!!!

As I was reveling in my bliss, I continued walking along the path, looking through the thicket of trees, wondering if I would be able to see Lady Hawk through all of the leaves. And, lo and behold, she flew out again, circled overhead to where I could see her, looped back and then took off out of sight!

And, this morning, I had a breakfast meeting downtown. As I was walking along the sidewalk, like right in the middle of the city, I was retracing my steps to find my parking garage, and I jusssst happened to glance down and see this lovely feather!!! I squealed with delight, like a little kid finding a treasure, picked it up, thank the Universe, and have had a smile on my face since then! Seriously, a nighthawk feather downtown on Locust and 7th streets?! That's incredible!!!