I LOVE traveling! Well, more accurately, I LOVE flying to places to travel. My roadtrip tolerance is about 3-5 hours in a car. And, I know, I know, for those of you who prefer traveling by car, or find that sometimes (or frequently) with airport delays, that some trips by plane take about the same amount of time as it would to drive there, all said and done by the time you arrive to the airport early, go through security, and wait (and sometimes wait and wait and wait). Believe you me, 2014 was my year to spend many unplanned hours in Chicago O'Hare. I lost count after about 12 extra hours (bonus time on top of layovers! <sarcastic font>) there over a couple of months. Regardless, I love airports! And, would pick flying someplace over driving most any day. For people watching, for the sense of excitement - airports literally give me a buzz! For the sense possibility - I mean people are traveling EVERYWHERE! I love going through the terminals looking at the gates' destination cities. Thinking about each place and what it holds. Watching people as they get on and off the jet bridge and thinking about where there travels have taken them, or where they're about to go. There are a million combinations, and I find that exciting!
During my first year of self-employment, I didn't fly anywhere....and it was such a major bummer. I felt trapped, almost. I'd come off a job where I traveled at least once a month, flying mainly from California to DC. I DUG the redeye, too! Two Tylenol PM's and a glass of wine; put on my sleeping mask, and next thing I know, BAM! Awake and on the tarmac at Reagan or Dulles, ready to log a full work day. There was that one time, where I was sitting in the middle seat, in between two rather large men, and woke up mortified to find my head snuggled against one of their shoulders! LOL! But, for coast to coast travel, I would take the redeye anyday over any other flight schedule.
I got so accustomed to traveling and being on the go for five years; that after about 9 months of not traveling, I kid you not, I had friends come and visit, and as soon as I went into the airport to meet them at baggage claim, this electric vibe went through me - that sense of excitement, wonder, and absolutely wanting to book a ticket and fly anywhere! And, also this pang of recognition that I had a boarding pass to destination nowhere. So, I was fortunate when that following year, another consulting job opportunity landed in my lap, and which travel was a part of! And, I became more actively involved with ABWA, which included travel to conferences. The Universe opened up the possibilities! And, next thing I knew, I was hopscotching over the US again!
As of this fall, over the course of my history on Facebook and it allowing you check-ins at places, I had checked in 68 times at DSM International. I really wish I'd kept a travel log. I'm sure I could go back through my calendars, and some day I might. But, what I REALLY wish I'd done, b/c I'm a geek about physical activity, is put an odometer on my suitcase to see how many miles it's traveled within airports! That's another thing I love to do is walk through airports. Any spare moment I have, I'm trucking through, exploring terminals and trams, and esplanades.
People ask me all the time if I get tired of living out of a suitcase or in hotels. Absolutely not! At one point, a couple of years ago with a heavy travel schedule, I came home at twice in one month to just dump out my suitcase and literally repack it with a pile of clothes I had waiting in my closet; and head out the door 8 hours later. Albeit, that was made easier b/c of business attire, and it's much easier to pack when you have a sort of uniform. But, still I didn't mind it. And, I LOVE, love, love, staying in hotels! I love having my bed made (not that it doesn't happen here :), but there's something different about it)! I love big comfy duvets! I love checking out new places!
My work travel has slowed down a lot over the last couple of months. And, I'm so looking forward to upcoming opportunities to travel; and on working on creating a job for me that's based on travel. Yes, I'm alluding to travel writing! But, one of the things that I've put on my "live list" is that one day, I just want to go to the airport, walk right up to the ticketing agent, and pick a city I've not ever been to before, as if I were playing Roulette, and buy a ticket to explore! As I see pictures of destinations, or get emails on discounted flights, my heart starts to stir, wanderlust calling me with its siren song.
Unusual security Line at DSM |
Excited to be checking in! |
ATL - You're a Peach! |
Eerily Quiet BOS post Sandy |
Legit Adirondack Rocker at SYR |
Chicago by Night |
Honey Badger Don't Care - DEN |
Chicago in the Morning
Stoked to Have Made My Connection |
Beautiful 30,000 foot sunset en route to NM for a goodbye to my Grandma Connie. I felt her presence in this sky. |
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