Thursday, March 26, 2015

Hold On To That Feeeeeelin'!

The other day as I was driving along 235, and frequently switching radio stations as I'm prone to do, I caught a little ear tickle of Journey's "Don't Stop Believin" and of course started to sing along.

By the way, if you're a fan of the band, and haven't yet watched, "Everyman's Journey," the documentary outlining Arnel Pineda's journey from being a Karaoke/cover band singer in the Philippines, to being discovered on YouTube, and making it front and center to be the lead singer, in place of the legendary Steve Perry. It's ABSOLUTELY TOTALLY worth the view! It's so Law of Attraction in motion!

Who doesn't love belting out the lyrics, "don't stop believin', hold on to that feeeeelin'!"?! I have so many memories of late night dance parties where that song comes on, and  99% of everybody that's there will yell out "that's my jam!"; and there's this bonding experience of wobbly swaying and linking arms around each other's waists; and raising hands in the air and getting your rock faces on; and really getting into your groove as you sing one of the songs that usually closes out the end of a really, really fun night.

So anyway, I'm driving Fergie (my Ford Escape); and banking off the exit onto the freeway singing out loud; and I just had this moment of deep thought. You know, where you go into this sort of trance, completely focused on a particular thought stream, and are flooded with clarity on the questions to ask yourself?

As I zoomed down the road, the music faded in my mind; and percolated the following:

  • What have I stopped believing in? 
  • What feelings have I let go of? 
  • What dreams have I stopped thinking about? 
  • Which of my passions have been doused? 
  • What have I've held onto tightly before, that I've released; and why? 
  • More importantly, how do I take Journey's advice, "Don't stop believin', hold on to that feelin'"  
  • And, I had another epiphany, Abraham Hicks says that none of our dreams/desires ever die. Never! So, once we put a dream out into the Universe, it's out there! In other words, "it goes on and on and on and on!!!!

And, that, that makes me hopeful, excited, thrilled, and eager!!! My dreams are still out there, the trick is, I just gotta get back that feelin' of believin'! Because that's the key to manifestation: feeling and believing baby, feeling and believing.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Happy Is As Happy Does

Being that last week we celebrated International Happiness Day, I've been thinking about the things in life that make me happy! Here are some of them:

  • Birds chirping out of nowhere at the first sign of spring - seriously, where do they come from?! It's glorious! 
  • Frogs croaking and calling - at any time; but especially as I'm drifting off to sleep! 
  • The way Gidget smiles and looks up at me while we're running - it's so endearing and encouraging! 
  • Clothes fresh out of the dryer - anytime! 
  • Being out on trails with nobody else on them; and feeling like they're mine!
  • Finding out that my body is stronger than I thought by eeking out a few more reps than I initially planned on; or going a few more minutes! And, seeing AND feeling the results!  
  • Flying! Traveling! Wanderlust is divine! 
  • Seeing Gary from a laying down position, grab one leg, completely extend it and roll up to sitting - it's hilarious and totally cute!
  • Principessa's baby Grover noises and the way she likes to do somersaults - she's a monkey!
  • Hearing one of my "jams" come on the radio that I've not heard in a while and belting it out loud and dancing along! 
  • Finding a piece of gum when I thought I've run out - it's SUCH satisfaction! 
  • Basking in the sunshine - feeling the sun's rays on my face and shoulders, and the warmth and brightness! 
  • Books that I get lost in - feel like I know the characters, I can picture myself in the scenes, feel all of the emotions - bliss! 
  • Playing tennis! My recently discovered love! I adore the game! I love the fun of volleys and the thwack of the ball hitting the sweet spot on my racquet! 
  • Coloring - bringing color to a previously blank page! The relaxation, the brightness, being in my zone!
  • The sound of rain and thunder in the summer --- delicious! 
  • The smell of grass after a rain - a fresh, new start, that I can feel deep in my soul! 
  • Being in store where everything delights me! Where I find pretty things to look at, try on, or imagine being mine! 
  • Seeing pictures of baby animals  - warms my heart and makes me smile. Always! 
  • Pinteresting - the variety! The abundance! 
  • Glancing up to see Lady Hawk soaring through the sky! She's girl, my spirit animal!
  • Biting into a delicious strip of bacon (or steak) - HEAVEN!!! (I'm salivating as I type and think about this!)
  • Slowly sipping whiskey - the slight burn on my tongue, and it's fiery warmth as it travels down my throat.
  • Riding fast downhill on my bike - the freedom! The fun and smile that runs across my face!
  • Laughing - I LOVE laughing and giggling! Witty creativity - whether on Wednesday night tv (The Goldbergs, Modern Family, The Middle, Blackish); or watching Jimmy Fallon delight in pure joy of laughing and making others laugh - that makes me happy! 
  • Trying anything new! I love adventure! 
  • Pharrell Williams as a coach; and Carson Daly as the host on The Voice - they are so authentically nice and it radiates completely! 
  • Feeling good about what I do for a living and know I make a positive difference. I'm doing what I love! 
  • Sunshine! Sunshine! Sunshine! 
  • Being outdoors - smelling fresh air, listening to nature, exploring, dining, riding, running, anything! 
  • Waking up at 1 am and realizing I have a few more hours yet to sleep and snuggling back in!
  • Sunrises! I love feeling the start of a new day and watching the colors of the sky change and seeing the sun crest above the horizon and feel its warmth!
I know I can a million more to my list! But for now, I'll bask in these happy thoughts! 


Monday, March 23, 2015


Yesterday, I went to my second Sacred Pyramid meditation event. (Maiden Voyage Deets Here). Again, I went to it from a place of needing calm and peace. I knew what to expect; and I prepped myself mentally, focusing on this month's theme of Harmony.

The place was packed! There were 12 others there, including the two hostesses. A couple of the participants had been at the February event; otherwise, everyone was new to me. What's cool about it is that there are always a variety of people. As soon as I entered the room, I could feel the energy of the crystals immediately start to have their effect on me. I can best describe it as feeling a presence. Not quite a headache and fullness in my chest; but almost. There's a definite change in my internal pressure. I sat near the same area I'd ultimately ended up at the time before, near the fireplace (though there wasn't a fire lit). I'm just drawn to that area; so I figured I'd follow my instinct.

We started off with introductions; and with everyone stating what they felt harmony to be. There were a variety of responses; that all had similar themes: flow, sound, balance, convergence. I've been watching The Voice, and on top of peace, balance, flow, I was thinking about how two (or more) parts come together to blend and make something that's summarily beautiful. (Tangential thought: I am always SO blown away when two singers, can be singing completely different lyrics, and harmonize, and stay singing their own lines....ah-mazing!).

My intention for the session was to come to a place of inner harmony. Harmony between my head and my heart. Harmony with my thoughts. Peace. Balance.

Once again, each of us took turns, twice in the chairs with the vajras and copper magnets, and one time underneath the pyramid. Deb brought a bigger variety of himalayan singing bowls, a rattle, and a native flute. Again, the woman's voice is purely angelic and healing on such a profound level! I've got to order her CD. I've always loved native flutes, and this time, she played it more frequently. It was divinely peaceful and brought me to a place of deeper meditation.
Himalayan Singing Bowl

Laura placed clear quartz and smokey quartz (clearing and grounding) within the base of the pyramid; and rose quarts (unconditional love) on the outside of the pyramid. She invited us, if we wanted to, to pick up a piece of the rose quartz and sit with it, if we felt we needed it. So, I grabbed a beautiful pink, glittery piece, about 12" x 6". And, held it with me for all the time I was in my chair.

The room got cold very fast. At the end of the session; Laura indicated that coolness is associated with feminine energy. And, we all had felt a chill during the session. During the last experience, I felt very energetic, my body flowing and bobbing. It was very opening and free. This time, I felt like I wanted to curl up in a ball on the floor. Even though she had invited us to move around, there really wasn't space on the floor for me to lie down, so I stayed in my chair.

Initially, I had a challenge getting into a meditative state. My mind wanted to wander. I got emotional; and held tears back. I didn't want to cry in this room full of strangers; but I know that energy was moving and I needed to let it move. So, after a few large tear drops fell, I was OK. I was able to guide my breath, inhaling peace, exhaling harmony. As I timed my breath and silently repeated those words, I found my heart opening up. I thought that the piece of rose quartz that I was holding would warm up over the course of the hour and a half; but it didn't. It remained cool, even as I held it against my chest. Which, was really calming and powerful. I felt my sits bones grounded into the chair. I felt heavier than I've ever my entire weight resting on my butt. I know that sounds strange...b/c if we're sitting, isn't our weight always in our butts? Anyway, I just felt like lead, super heavy and a lot of pressure on my booty. I bent over to rest my head on my knees and could feel the energy of the rose quartz shift. When it was my turn to sit in the pyramid, I was pleasantly surprised, as I'd felt so heavy and wanting to lie down when I was in my chair, as I sat on the bench in the pyramid, over the double pointed clear quartz that weighed at least 30 pounds (it was a beautiful stone), I felt deeply rooted. Not as heavy as I felt in my chair, but a definite pulling of my lower half towards the ground. But, I felt my spine straighten, as my head wanted to be pulled up towards the top of the pyramid. I didn't take the rose quartz in the pyramid with me; but I felt my heart open up. I felt peaceful. I felt strong and courageous and regal.

clear quartz
rose quartz

As I then made my way to the chairs with the magnets and vajras, I felt disappointed that I didn't have as much time in the pyramid. It felt like it went by really quickly. I was able to maintain a good, not so heavy feeling while in the chair and reach a state of meditation during those two rounds. Then, I made it back to my original chair, picked up the rose quarts, and placed it against my chest. As I breathed deeply, I definitely felt the love emanating from it; and my inner voice telling me "You are SO loved."

After everyone had a turn, we were asked to share our experience if we wanted to. I felt really drained; and didn't want to share my experience. But others shared theirs and it was neat to listen to the energies felt and the colors that were seen. Laura then passed out snacks; and I found that I was ravenous! I would've eaten all of the snacks if I had the chance. I was also freezing; and really wanted to get home and go to sleep. I was also soooo thirsty. I drank about 2 liters of water between the time I left the session; and went to bed.

(I can't recall if I posted this about my first experience, but, while I felt amazing during it, in the day or two that followed, I was drained energetically. I felt emotionally heavy and Laura said that was normal, that being such a powerful force of energy can drain us as it integrates, and that after a couple of days I would be fine. Which I was. Even better than fine. It was like one of those workouts where you're drained and sore afterwards, and then a couple of days later feeling really strong). This time though, I was drained during the experience; and today, the morning following it, I feel really bright and energetic. I notice a clarity in my eyes, a radiance emanating from within. I feel grounded. I feel loved. I feel steady and powerful. I feel connected.

Sunday, March 22, 2015

Cada Dia

This quote has been rumbling through my head as of late. "If you want to write, write. If you want to be a runner, run. If you want to be a speaker, go out and speak. If you want to sing, sing." I'm paraphrasing it, but, in essence, this "go out and actively do whatever you want to do" attitude is  what's been driving me to  dust myself off and get back up on my horse, and ride boldly forward, exploring and growing.

After taking a couple of chances, and feeling paralyzed by not knowing what to do, and just feeling 'meh about not moving forward, I got gun shy. My head and my heart were scrambled; and now it's time to be brave again. To find clarity through listening to my heart and what brings me happiness. No playing small. No getting derailed by outside forces, people, or opinions. I recognize my experiences, my talents, my voice, are unique to me. And, while others may share similar paths, philosophies, stories, the commonalities make them relatable; but they don't make them the same, because everybody is different. Everybody's story is unique; all while we're common in our human condition.

As readers, as creators, we all have our own background, experiences, judgements, perspectives that we bring to the table that influence what we perceive. So, reading a story can mean one things to many, and many things to one. There's  place for it all. There aren't a limited number of spots at the table. There are infinite pieces of the pie, and I'm here to claim mine!

Last May, we went to Key West and visited Ernest Hemingway's home.

Me Bonding With One of  the Famous 6 Toed Cats at Hemingway's
Since freshmen year of high school, when my English teacher, Mister Jenkins introduced us to "The Old Man and The Sea," and "For Whom The Bell Tolls," I was absolutely smitten with Hemingway's writing style. Short, to the point sentences, that make you feel the realm of emotions. For the longest time, (and recently I am reminded of its timeless beauty), the elegant, profound simplicity of: "Courage is Grace Under Pressure."

Learning Hemingway's colorful history was really interesting. From his being a soldier in the war, to being in Paris with all of the other great literary expats, writing for newspapers, to penning novels, drinking, hunting, fishing, traveling the world, the women he loved and lost, throughout the years, the man lived a big life.

The one thing that's stuck with me from touring his place, was visiting his writing studio. His mantra, "cada dia," which translates to every day....and that's what he believed in, no matter what, writing. Every. Single. Day. Even, if it was a crap day, just get in there and write.

Hemingway's Writing Studio, Key West
Yes, some people are more gifted with writing than others.....but, the act of making it a habit to write something daily, is what eventually brings you success. Like with anything else, it's consistency that matters.

Another bit of Hemingway's writing advice is if you have difficulty writing to start off by "writ(ing) one true sentence. Write the truest sentence you know." One true statement of mine is that I want to be a writer. I want to make an impact through my thoughts and words. And, I'm vowing to myself, in one way or another, I will be writing cada dia. Every day, in some fashion, something.

As food for thought, below are a few of my favorite Hemingway quotes. If I could go back in time and interview anyone, having a drink at Sloppy Joe's with EH would definitely be top of my list.

What's your favorite Hemingway novel or quote?

Monday, March 16, 2015

March Madness Memories

Seeing posts from Facebook friends going to Albuquerque to watch my high school's boys' basketball team play in the state tournaments brings back some fun memories.

I'm not really a fan of basketball. I played from 6th grade on, mostly because my sister played and my friends played. So, I guess I didn't want to be left out. Though, I really wish I'd stuck with skiing. Because ski season and basketball season overlapped; you couldn't really do both. So, I played, and then by freshman year, maybe because in 7th and 8th grade we had to watch both teams play; and then in 9th grade when I no longer started on JV, and, we then had to watch the varsity play, I'd had my fill of riding the pine bleachers.

I remember as a 4th or 5th grader, going to the varsity boys' basketball games. That was super fun, not because of actually watching the games. Naturally, my friends and I would go upstairs to the little gym, play around in there, chase boys, run up and down bleachers; and have no idea what was actually going on down on the main court.

Now, when March Madness approaches, I'm not excited. Frankly, I don't care. I don't watch. But, being slightly competitive in nature, and loving a good bet, I do enjoying getting in on the bracket action.

Anyway, back to seeing friends posts, I'm reminded of the time that for a weekend in 1994, my parents were the coolest parents ever! Without any begging, pleading, or outside encouragement, it was March madness of some other kind, and it was a junior high kids' dream!

That year, the Taos boys' varsity basketball team made it to the state tournament. Being in 7th/8th grade meant that I was in junior high; and didn't really know any of the players personally because they were up at the high school. But, having gone to the games, and having kids in my classes who idolized the varsity players, I was familiar enough. My parents decided to take Amy and I on a weekend to Albuquerque to watch the tournament.

It was SO exciting! Going to Albuquerque was a fun thing! There were two malls! Four lane highways! It was THE big city! Best of all, many of my friends were going too, as so many people had caught Tiger fever and wanted to go support the boys.

I wasn't one much for sleepovers, being that I was (and still am) the first one to fall asleep. So I never really had them. Amy never really had them. We would much rather go to our friends' house. Because, let's face it. At that age, everyone's parents are more fun than your own.  But for some reason that weekend, my parents decided to book a separate hotel room for me and Amy and one for them. And, told us we could have friends stay with us! What????!!! Realizing our unbelievable luck, neither Amy or I wanted to push it, so we rolled with it. And, the BEST part?! We were staying at a hotel where many of the other Taos fans were staying. I don't think that my parents planned it that way. It just happened to be so, and those three days in Albuquerque were some of the best days of my early teenage life!

We ran amok! I think Amy and I had 4 friends each end up staying with us, because naturally word spread that we had our own room. Three of us to a bed, a couple of girls on the floor, one girl in the tub. It was a room full of girls pumped full of adrenaline, giggles, and the pure glee that you get when going to the big warm city where you finally come out of hibernation and can wear shorts because it's so warm! It was like the 14 year old version of spring break! (Minus the beach and alcohol).  When we weren't at the tournament or the mall, we ran back and forth between the pool and the room.

My memories stick out like this: Hey, the pool is filled entirely with junior high and high schoolers from Taos! Oh my god, I just got tossed in the air and into the pool by one of the cute boys from the high school who didn't know I existed! Whoop!!! Who brought their Super Soakers?! Wait, these girls who don't usually talk to me in school are talking to me now? Me? It was pure awesomeness! Full of laughter, splashes, fun, crushes, and the reckless abandon of realizing that your parents aren't watching you full time and you can't quite believe your new found freedom, but like a baby bird you sure as hell are going to fly!

I know my mom my dad will be reading this blog post and fear that the other parents would think them irresponsible and they will say they always knew what we were up to. Which is probably true. And, by probably, I mean that they didn't let any of us take off with strangers, and they knew we weren't going to sneak booze or boys into the room. But, they didn't know how much we reveled in not having them watch us like hawks or putting a curfew on us, or by making us stay in a room with them like we always did.

But, as Amy and I reminisced about this while talking on the phone, we were still in disbelief that our parents actually let us have the coolest weekend ever. I mean it. They're great parents; but, they ran a tight ship. The following year the varsity boys made it to state again, and I think we all were hoping to recreate some of that magic. The players on the court, and us junior high kids at the hotel pool. Sadly, that didn't happen. The team didn't play so hot; and people stayed at different hotels. The perfect storm failed to come together on different levels; but we'd always have that awesome experience from the previous year.   So, thank you mom and dad for letting that happen. It was the best March Madness experience ever!

And, since we're on the topic of basketball, here are my player pics, power forward #33 :)

8th grade '93/'94
9th grade '94/'95

Sunday, March 8, 2015

Spring Cleaning Sentimental

About a year or so ago, I told myself that whenever I bought something, I would empty my closet or drawers of one of the same item. So, say I got a pair of shoes, I'd get rid of a pair. Well....I did that for about 3 months; and then stopped. I rationalized keeping things because of the varied weather in Des Moines. I maybe didn't wear that sweater last year; but maybe this coming year I'd put it back into the rotation. And, because of my consulting and being on boards, I couldn't get rid of my business attire, because I wanted variety in what I showed up to professional events wearing. And, don't get me started on my workout clothes drawers. Certain tops and shorts for specific activities; different colors for combinations. Sometimes I wear 2-3 workout outfits per day, so my lycra is nearly limitless! ...yeah, I'm going to get to sorting through that bureau soon.

Yesterday, I bought myself a really beautiful pair of Frye's boots. They're so soft and buttery.
My new boots! 
Mind you, I have 5 other pairs of tall boots. But, I just fell in love with these; and rationalized that they were on spring clearance; and that because of their color and style, that I can wear them with pretty much anything! How could I say no to these beauties?! As I placed them in their new home, I realized how stuffed my closet has become. I was kind of in disbelief, because I literally went through a cleaning of it right before Christmas, filling 2.5 garbage bags full of clothing and accessories for donation.

So, while the iron was hot, I started culling through my closet again. But, today, even though I was fairly productive, I totally resonated with this:

Yep, with each item, I had this lovely walk down memory lane. Oh, this red shirt, I wore it to every single ABWA regional conference as part of our board uniform - Oklahoma City, Louisville, Cary. This romper, it's been to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter at Universal studios! These shoes, I've run in them in DC, Memphis, and Taos. I won a duathlon in them! This other pair of shoes I've toured New Orleans and Boston in!  The shirt I wore hiking in the north Georgia mountains! This dress I wore at my college reunion! The silk scarf I bought in Venice! 

Seriously, I had a really good time reliving the memories brought up by each of the items. And, started thinking about all of the stories each of my pieces of clothing would have to tell. It's pretty cool, actually. What stories would your clothes tell? Who we you with when you were wearing each of the items? What did you say? Do? Learn? How did what you were wearing impact the way you felt? Maybe that's an idea for a coffee table book. "Stories from my Closet." That could be fun. I will market it as a two pack, to be combined with my other book, "Adventures of the Random Single Street Strewn Shoe." 

Do you have stories you could tell with each item of clothing? If clothes make the person, what stories are your clothes making? And, how do you decide when to get rid of your clothes? Do you go through culling sprees? What's an item of clothing that you have that you've had the longest, and why? 

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Say YES to the Universe; and the Universe will say YES to you!

I really dislike being told, "No." It truly has to be one of my least favorite statements in the world.

I've come to realize when I hear "no", my response ranges on the negative spectrum from frustrated, angry, disenchanted, like I'm ramming my head against the wall. I can truly feel the vein in my forehead start to stick out, as its neighboring blood vessels shrink, their life force being taken from them.

Especially if it's related to something I really want. I don't have kids; but, imagine if you will, how a parent of a 2 year old who repeatedly and obstinately says "NO!" might react. Yep. That's me. I roll my eyes (uggghh), or open them widely in disbelief (whaa?) Depending on what it is, I might argue my case for why it should be a "YES!" I don't know exactly how long I've had this aversion to "no." Probably for a long time, as my gut reaction causes me to think that it's been ingrained in me for a very long time. And, I promise, as a kid, I wasn't a spoiled brat who got everything that I wanted or had my way all the time.

To me, no is just so final. And, I know if you're in sales, the adage about "it's not a no, it's just a not right now." I have trouble buying that. BUT, the hopeful, optimistic side of me really wants to believe in that, and in fact, hangs onto that for so long.

"No" is so black and white. It shuts out possibilities. Maybe, I feel like a "no" is a rejection of me, whether it be me, in and of myself, or a rejection of my thoughts, or opinions or anything that I associate with. Maybe that's why I don't like it. Because I associate it with rejection. And, again, a sales person will tell you that a no isn't personal....I'll work on that. But, really, I'm talking in much broader brush strokes than sales. I'm talking about life in general!

I like options! I love possibility! I don't care (as much) if someone says "no" and offers another option. Like, "no" BUT, x, y, z. It's kind of like when someone comes to you with a problem, and just states the problem, but doesn't offer a solution. Come on! Play with me here! Whatcha' got?! Let's find a solution! Let's brainstorm! I think that many of us say no as an autoresponse. "No, I'm too busy." "No, I don't think I'll like that." "No. No. No."

And, I like AND's.  Again, it's that possibility thinking. It sounds much better than either/or.

Of course, context and tone have a lot to do with how these are conveyed; but, generally speaking, those are my feelings.

One of the quotes that I LOVE is "Say YES to the Universe; and the Universe will say YES to you!"

Truly, reading that, believing in that, makes me smile and genuinely fills me with joy, and hope, and sparkles!  It doesn't mean always saying YES; or saying YES to things that downright at their core don't feel good to you. It means that once you're open to possibilities, to not just say "no" because it's easier, or it's your habit, that the whole world, opens up to YOU!

Think of all of the awesome things that have happened when you've said YES. All of the cool people, opportunities, chances. They might not have been easy affirmatives....but, by saying YES to something, you ended up with something different than if it had been a no.

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Fierce Passion

Sometimes passages stick with me; and I find myself running it through my mind, repeating phrases, words, sentences. Savoring them. Going back and drinking from them again and again. Here's one that's most recently called to me. I'm enamoured with the way it vividly captures and creates images in my mind. The ranges of emotion, the depths of feeling: Life

"Passion, it lies in all of us, sleeping… waiting… and though unwanted… unbidden… it will stir… open its jaws and howl. It speaks to us… guides us… passion rules us all, and we obey. What other choice do we have? Passion is the source of our finest moments. The joy of love… the clarity of hatred… and the ecstasy of grief. It hurts sometimes more than we can bear. If we could live without passion maybe we’d know some kind of peace… but we would be hollow… Empty rooms shuttered and dank. Without passion we’d be truly dead.” ~ Joss Whedon

Monday, March 2, 2015

Kid, You'll Move Mountains! It's 98 and 3/4 Percent Guaranteed!

As a kid, I LOVED to read! Any book I could get my hands on, I would voraciously read cover to cover; and likely start all over again.

The funny thing is, I don't really remember reading too many of the Dr. Seuss classics until I was a  a tween.  While at my Grammie's house, my cousins who are about 5-7 years younger than I am, were really into Dr. Seuss and would ask to be read to. And, that's where I got most of my Dr. Seuss reading time in.

And, really, after that, I didn't have any Seuss readings. Then, a few years ago, as we were transitioning from California to Iowa; and I was embarking onto the adventure of going full time with my personal training and health coaching business, a friend sent me the words to "Oh the Places You'll Go!" This simple word document really had a lasting effect on me. I printed it out; and for the longest time, kept it in my in basket on the top of my desk as a go-to whenever I needed a pep talk. Even now, when I'm facing a particularly rough day; or not feeling my mojo, I go to my office closet, and pull out that document, and soak in the Seussisms. Every single one of the lines is fitting; and after reading it, I feel uplifted.

It's so awesome how Dr. Seuss reminds us that we have the ability WITHIN us to blaze our own trail, to make powerful choices, to leave an impact! "Your mountain is waiting, So get on your way!" That line always makes me think of how daunting things can be; but how satisfying it is once you've made the ascent. And, can look down on what you've accomplished and be like, "I did that!" Or, as Miley Cyrus would say, "it's about the climb." Dr. Seuss keeps it real. I don't usually like pessimism; but, this man is genius in putting a spin on words that makes you feel empowered, even when sometimes you won't know what to do, or where to go; or are feeling down and out, "All Alone! Whether you like it or not, Alone will be something you'll be quite a lot, " he makes it feel as though everything is going to be ok. His words make you want to get unstuck! It's like he's cheering you on - the voice saying,

“And will you succeed? Yes! You will, indeed! (98 and 3/4 percent guaranteed.)" With those odds in your corner, why the hell not?! Let's go, we've got mountains to move!!! (I just love the illustrations too!)

And, even though it's not from "Oh, the Places You'll Go!," perhaps my most favorite Seuss quotes is this little gem  that holds true Every. Single. Day.

Happy birthday, Dr. Seuss! Thank you for your positivity and light that continues to shine!

If you happen to be craving some story time, check out this clip of John Lithgow reading"Oh, the Places You'll Go!"It includes the original book; so curl up and read along!