This morning, as I set the clocks ahead one hour for daylight savings time, I found myself getting frustrated that they were out of sync. I'd set the one on the microwave and then move to the stove and think I had it right; and then somehow, even though I set it second, the oven clock would skip ahead to the next minute, and they were no longer in sync. I don't know why, but ever since I was 4 years old, I've been OCD about time.
Not so much now...but, when I can't get clocks on the same time, I get irritated. Or, if the clock in one car is set 1-4 minutes faster than in other cars, or actual time, it makes me want to immediately change them. oddly enough, if it's 5 minutes fast, I can deal with that. I don't like running late (being 5 minutes early is running on time). I really like having a watch on me, though over the past few years have gotten to be more relaxed with only having my iPhone as my time piece.
I'm IN LOVE with watches! Oh my goodness, window shopping for watches is one of my favorite things to do! This past fall, we went through the Virgin Islands, and for some reason there are LOADS of watch shops. Beaches + watches + sparkle = heaven! Watch ads, their displays, their precision, and the craftsmanship. It all just fascinates me.
Anyway, this morning, while setting the clocks, I remembered how as a 4 year old, I BEGGED my parents for a digital watch. A white Casio with a pink border. They wouldn't get it for me...the reason being was that they told me I first had to learn how to tell time on a clock or watch. Rather than it just popping the time up and doing the work for me. I became OBSESSED with learning how to tell time. And, my parents probably rue the day that they made that stipulation because, similar to Sheldon Cooper, as soon as I could tell time, and figured out the general schedule that everyone operated on, I expected militaristic precision in routine. True to their word, when I turned 5 and could tell time, I got a Care Bear Watch with the CareBears on the face of the watch (exactly like this one...but with a light blue band!) It was my most prized possession.
I prided myself on waking up each day 2 minutes before my alarm clock. I loved that I was always ready to go for school on time. I ADORED that tv programs were so precise for their start and end times each day. If my grandparents weren't at school to pick me up at exactly 3:10 pm when the bell rang, I freaked out. Similarly, if my mom or dad said they would be somewhere at a certain time and weren't, I'd become overly worried and spaz!
The fear of abandonment...I have NO clue where that came from; and that's a post for another time.
But, anyway, it was funny to be reminded today of my primal ties to time, and realize how much I'm still anchored to time and precision.